7 Ways to Stop Hair Thinning
Taming our hair is no easy feat. With a lot going on between your eyes, it’s no wonder you have clogged pores and oily hair. But regardless of how much stress our lives have been turned upside down, there’s no arguing that dark, frizzy hair is not for everyone. If you find yourself constantly having to go over your same old routine or worrying about the next day’s cut, then you probably have something in common with almost every woman out there: your own hair can get getting! Crashes can become clogged up quickly — especially if they are coming from a potholed road. To help keep things in check, here are 7 helpful tips to stop hair thinning.
1. Don’t wash your hair more than once a week
This is one of the most important tips for stop hair thinning. A frequent wash doesn’t mean that you have to wash your hair more than once a week. There are plenty of steps that will help to keep your hair hydrated and shaped to your liking, but washing more than once a week just makes your hair dryer and harder to tame.
2. Don’t blow dry it too many times a week
If you’re always having to decide whether to dry your hair or not, it might be a sign that you need to switch styles. If your hair is very fine or straight, it could benefit from a regular set of tongs to get it all drier. But most of the time, you should be able to dry your hair straight. As long as it’s completely dry, there’s no harm in going a little extra out of style. And if you’re a shampoo freak, you may also want to try out a style that uses a dryer — like a dryer dries your hair, allowing you to decide if your ends are straight or not.
3. Don’t use too much heat on your hair
This one is essential for all hair types, but especially for thin, delicate hair. Hot towel dryers will only make your hair frizzy and unfrizzed. And for the most part, that’s fine. But if you’re constantly putting heat on your hair, it’s going to become super dry. You should be able to keep your heat levels around 100 degrees Fahrenheit or so, but you should also be able to keep your iron or air-conditional temperatures (i.e. below the damaging levels) between 70 and 80 degrees. This means that if you go too hot, your hair will become fried and dry, and if you go too cool, your hair will definitely be fried. You should know that your hairdresser can help with this, but you should also know that dealing with burning hair is inevitable.
4. Don’t over deny
You’re probably wondering how you can stop hair thinning. The best advice is to put a stop to it as quick as possible. Even if you’ve been having flashes of inspiration, it’s almost always better to get it over with as opposed to waiting for your hair to get “old” (read: too dry). Try to avoid over-denying, though. It’s incredibly easy to feel confident and beautiful without even having long hair — especially when it’s washed and dried every other day. So don’t try to convince yourself that it’s too late to do anything about it.
5. Make an effort not to tug on your hair too much
If you have long, untamed hair, you might find it tidy! To keep it from getting out of control, you should always try to gently but firmly tangle your hair. Doing so will help to keep it from becoming too dry, and it will also help to prevent it from getting out of control. It’s a good idea to use a loose knot, since you don’t want your strands from becoming unbalanced. If you go too dry, you may find that it’s easier to just untangle your hair and use a piece of plastic wrap instead.
6. Don’t over style
We love to go out and have fun, but when it comes time to take our clothes off, it’s important to turn our attention back to our shampoos, conditioners and other beauty products. Over-styling your hair can make it even more unkempt, as it will encourage more oil production, making your hair dry and pretty much useless. But by using a good, budget-friendly protein such as Maren up to 5 straight, you can actually keep your hair hydrated and looking great.
7. Exfoliate before bed
This one might be for the really dry hair, but it’s also a good idea for oily hair. After washing your hair, you should be able to detect a difference between how dry and flaky your hair was the moment you washed it. It’s important to cleanse your scalp, too, as too much build-up can make your hair greasy. You should use a tool or two to clean your scalp, but it’s also a good idea to use a little of your favourite face wash while you are at it.
Hair thinning is a common complaint among both young and old people. The only way to combat hair thinning is to do things the right way. The right way, of course, being to invest in a good conditioner and to use it once a week. The right way, of course, is to moisturise your scalp and your hair before you go to bed, and to use a good straightener when you wear your hair up. The right way, of course, is to moisturise and nourish your scalp with a good body wash after you’ve washed your hair. If you’ve been feeling clogged up and misbehaving with your locks, there’s a good chance that it’s likely that you’re experiencing hair thinning. It’s important to take care of your hair and to never forget that!