Causes of Hair Loss in the Winter
When the winters come, it is not surprising to see yourself losing a lot of hair everywhere. As your skin changes according to the seasons, same do your hair, there is a lot of hair loss during winters and the reasons for that excessive hair loss is largely due to dry air outside that completely sucks out all the moisture of your scalp making it dry and dirty that results in hair damage, dandruff, breakage and excessive hair loss that makes your head feel itchy and unhealthy. Along with this, the arid air is also a significant reason that causes hair fall in winter. The people who have the healthiest hair also have to face challenges during this time therefore, you all have to follow some tips and tricks to stop hair loss in winter so that you could save your hair from falling. Hair fall in winters is quite common and it can feel alarming to look at your hairbrush that has a lot of strands weaved in it. Losing 50-100 hairs is common as when this quantity of hair falls, new hairs come at its place but in winters we all notice itchy scalp, dandruff, thinning of follicles and excessive hair fall. I agree that during winters, hair loss increases due to dry air in the atmosphere but you can’t only blame this as the heating systems that you use, your daily hair care routine and all such reasons are also responsible for your hair condition, whatever it is.
Causes Of Hair Loss:-
- The air outside is not pure and sucks out all the moisture from the scalp.
- Due to the dry air, the scalp dries out causing dandruff that further supports hair loss.
- The hydrogen bonds of the hairs become weak that resulting in hair breakage, dry hair and split ends. eends covering from an illness can also support more hair loss in winter.
- Giving birth to a baby or a surgery in winter can also lead to more hair fall.
- Stress can cause hair fall hence, to combat stress you must meditate and do yoga.
- Vitamin deficiency in your eating routines can contribute to hair loss therefore, you must indulge yourselves in nutritious food.
- Using incorrect or excessive hair products can contribute to more hair loss in winters.
- If you have a sudden weight loss, it is not less than trauma and causes hair fall.
- Over styling, your hair can cause permanent hair damage as the heat of these tools not only absorbs moisture but also causes damage to hair follicles contributing to hair loss.
- Allopathic medication contributes to hair fall and if you are consuming them in winters then it weakens hair follicles and causes severe hair fall.
- Sweat and dirt in the scalp due to the unpleasant environment contributes to excessive hair loss in winter.
Follow The Following Steps:-
- LOOK FOR THE ACTUAL CAUSE OF HAIR FALL– You must find out the actual cause of the hair fall as anything from stress to nutritional deficiencies can add on to contribute to hair loss during winters. For knowing the exact cause you must contact a hair specialist who could help you strand lustrous and healthy.
- OIL MASSAGES– Oil massage is the most effective solution for your hairs in winter as it helps increase blood circulation and strengthen the follicles of hair from within. For oil massage, you have to warm 2-3 teaspoons of oil and then penetrate it slowly deep down the hair roots. Regularly massaging your hair with oil is very essential to maintain blood circulation and to maintain its strength and shine.
- AVOID TAKING HOT SHOWER– Do not wash your hair with hot water as too much heat can damage your hair hence, you must opt for lukewarm water to wash your hair. Do limit the use of dryers, curlers and straighteners on your hairs as the less you use these heating tools, the better your hairs will be.
- USE THE APPROPRIATE KIND OF HAIR PRODUCTS– You must use the right kind of products i.e, according to the type of your hair. Choosing the appropriate hair product is a critical part of preventing hair loss hence, you must be very smart while choosing your hair products. Do remember that applying conditioner is a key care step as it works on the outermost layer of the hairs making it look healthy and shiny.
- EAT HEALTHY AND STAY HYDRATED– You must be aware of the fact that unhealthy diets that lack essential vitamins, minerals and other important hair nutrients results in hair loss. A poor diet with nutritional deficiencies inhibits the ability of your body to create new follicles therefore, you must consume sufficient green meals, proteins and water. Water is the magic potion that helps your body to stay hydrated.