Body to Scalp: Evolving Trends in Body Hair Transplantation Surgery
A method of hair restoration that is gaining popularity is follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUE is more suited to harvest from different body parts, including the beard, chest, and extremities in hirsute people since it doesn’t leave behind linear scars. It’s possible that the features of body hair, such as thickness, length, and hair cycle, don’t exactly match those of scalp hair. Compared to standard scalp FUE, body hair harvesting procedures take longer and require more expertise. In advanced stages of baldness, to improve the aesthetics of hairlines, and to treat scarring alopecia when donor scalp hair is scarce, body hair transplantation can be utilised effectively alone or in conjunction with scalp hair.
Body hair harvesting provides hair restoration surgeons with a new supply of viable donors, particularly in cases of severe androgenetic alopecia.
Body Hair Characteristics
The majority of our body hair is vellus hair, which cannot be utilised in hair transplant surgery costs. Our body hair is between 30 to 85% in the telogen period. Our body hair’s anagen phase is less time than our scalp hair’s. While the anagen phase only lasts a few months for our body hair, it lasts for many years for our scalp hair.
In comparison to our scalp hair, body hair is more shorter and thinner. However, there are hair on the thighs, arms, legs, pubic area, and thighs that can be utilised as donor’s hair.
Process to Body to Scalp Hair Transplant
Your beneficiary and donor areas will get local anesthesia from the hair transplant surgeon for a painless procedure.
The hair follicles are then removed from your donor body parts. He next makes a series of small scalp incisions near the recipient area.
The harvested hair follicles are finally implanted into the recipient area by the hair transplant surgeon. The hair transplant procedure takes between 4 to 8 hours.
Outcomes of Body to Scalp Hair Transplant
You could see a small crust or some redness surrounding the transplanted hair, but that will go away in a week.
You’ll be able to resume your routine activities within a week. There will be no need to see the hair transplant surgeon again because the sutures at your donor portions of the body will fall out on their own.
Within two months, the freshly transplanted hair will fall out and begin to grow again. In just 9 months, you will be able to witness tangible improvements.
Wrapping Up
Compared to standard FUE performed on scalp hairs, harvesting body hair takes longer and needs a greater level of expertise. Even though body hair transplant yields are lower than those from traditional scalp transplants, it nevertheless provides hirsute people with a viable supply of donor hair follicles for hair restoration. Beard hair provides great optical density in the transplanted region and is the simplest to collect. Body hair transplants typically result in a worse outcome than traditional scalp FUE, thus patients should be advised of this as well as the necessity for shorter haircuts or better grooming for better outcomes.
In severe phases of alopecia with insufficient scalp grafts, it can give visually pleasing effects if used sparingly, either alone or in conjunction with scalp hair. Body hair can also be used to conceal scars from past operations or medical conditions and soften the hairline. Body hairs should be implanted in a planned manner, mingling with scalp hairs in the implanted location, as recipient influence on body hairs is minor and they maintain the majority of their inherent qualities. This will give a more aesthetically pleasing outcome. For some hirsute people with severe baldness or insufficient scalp donor reserves, FUE utilising body hair might be an efficient hair transplantation technique.