Can A Bad Hair Transplant Be Fixed?

Can A Bad Hair Transplant Be Fixed?

    Can A Corrective Hair Transplant Repair Bad-Results Of A Hair Transplant

    Understanding About A Corrective Hair Transplant

    A hair transplant which is done to repair the bad and pathetic results of an already performed hair transplant surgery is known as corrective hair transplant. It is most commonly performed upon the patients who are not satisfied with the results, there are multiple reasons due to which it becomes necessary to have a corrective hair transplant in Ahmedabad or at any reputed clinic, some of them includes.

    Who Are Ideal Candidates For Corrective Hair Transplant Surgery?

    hair transplant

    Patients who are not satisfied with their hair transplant and who have issues from their previous hair transplant or who have other complications like scarring from their hair transplant are good candidates for a corrective hair transplant surgery.

    Reasons For A Bad Hair Transplant

    Outdated Procedures

    There are various procedures to have a hair transplant treatment, but it is important to select a good method which can provide positive results. But there are still some clinics who are opting the same old methods of hair transplant, this results in improper placement of the grafts and poor results.

    Skills Of The Surgeon

    reason for a bad hair transplant

    Skills and experience of the surgeon is the only important thing which can make your hair transplant good or bad, a hair transplant surgeon must need to be very experienced having sound knowledge and qualification to perform it. Surgery from an inexperienced surgeon can result in the improper hairline, undergrowth of hair, large recovery time and more.

    Methods Which Are Used In Corrective Hair Transplant

    Modern Corrective Surgery

    Hair transplant avenues cosmetic

    In this, modern means of technology are used to correct the pathetic results of a hair transplant, normally three types of methods are used to perform this surgery:

    In this corrective surgery, the surgeon removes the larger grafts which were placed incorrectly to retrieve and replant them.

    This process is performed when the results of a hair transplant surgery are wholly bad but needed a simple correction, in this method, the surgeon removes small 1-2 hair follicular units to transplant them in front to improve the look of a natural hairline.

    Sometimes your surgeon feels that your hair transplant need a combined repairing of camouflaging and graft excision to attain the best outcome then this process is performed, but for having combined repair your surgeon needs to be very skillful and qualified.

    Fixing Scar

    Patients always complain about scarring after a hair transplant, hair transplant procedure like FUT results in scarring over the donor as well as recipient area. To remove these scars FUE hair transplant and scalp micro pigmentation process is used.

    Why Choose Dr Kinnar Kapadia To Improve Your Bad Hair Transplant?

    Dr kinnar kapadia

    Dr Kapadia is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in India, he is a specialist in performing corrective hair transplant surgery, he has received a gold medal in the field of plastic surgery. With his skills, he has successfully performed many corrective hair transplants and the counting is still going high. So if you are having any kind of issues from your existing hair transplant, you can consult Dr Kapadia who will provide you with the best solution to repair your hair transplant within affordable hair transplant cost in India.


    Hair transplant is a surgical process which provides a head full of new hair, but it is important that you should choose a good hair transplant surgeon who has a proper degree qualification, experience, and certification to perform your surgery, and in case if your hair transplant fails you need to have a corrective surgery, but again you will need to choose a surgeon for his skills and not for the cost. You can also visit Avenues Cosmetic Clinic as it is one of the best hair transplant clinics having the most efficient surgeon who provides you best hair transplant in Ahmedabad within affordable and reasonable Hair Transplant Cost in Ahmedabad.

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